New Work Ladies

I have been trying to stretch my editing abilities and push for the horizon when it comes to my fashion photography portfolio. Here are some of my newest photos!

Enjoy gals!



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Processed with VSCOcam with p5 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with p5 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with p5 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with p5 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with p5 preset

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Processed with VSCOcam with p5 preset
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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset


Valentines Day

Hey gals! Tis the season for bitter pink candies and the extra tug you take at your poor zipper. Everyone would love to be spoiled with flowers and cuddles in February but nothing is better than focusing on yourself. I have been single for eighteen years now and have had my fair share of third wheelin it but knowing that I don’t have to constantly mold my personality to the liking of someone else is refreshing. Being independent is just as refreshing as taking a big deep breath of clean cool air. Someone who is a perfect example of this is a girl I worked with today. Being deeply invested in the fashion industry I directed her poses, facial expressions, wardrobe, makeup, hair, photo, and edit. Here are a couple of my favorites from the album. Enjoy!

Stay confident and independent gals!





Purple Maroon Stones

Like the tints of purple in an amazing article of clothing we are drawn to certain things that create this feeling of lust. Whether it be in a material item or a person, there is lust behind everything. Like fashion, we create these emotions. Emotions that tide our attitude which in turn tide our outfits.

I’m a freshman at VCU and have met my fair share of not so amazing guys on campus just looking for one thing and we all know what that is gals. It’s sad that I’m actually shocked when I meet a nice guy on campus that doesn’t have hidden ulterior motives. However, its safe to say that we are only here for four years and we need to get all these feelings out somehow. A friend of mine told me, “you will never be around this many beautiful people with so much potential and limitless opportunities, so just embrace it.” Sadly, some of us get attached. Wrote a poem for you gals. Enjoy!

Purple, maroon, pink soft, but violent. Yearning to tell a story. Creeping up the long side of his neck. Like stones to a path all simultaneously assorted to hint at something more.

Always getting too invested in the wrong people.

Always letting the small stones trip me into a web of feelings all polar opposite in an immense piece of art.

Concentrating on his familiar lips but glued to his unfamiliar marks.

We see the things that we know will hurt us the most because it is our heart helping us disassociate the wrong people from our lives.

Don’t turn my heart to stone, don’t leave me alone

The waves come crashing down on me

Under the moon is where we will be


Stay strong gals



Emotional Style

I usually only post about fashion because hey! This is a fashion blog, but I’m a firm believer in the fact that your mood and placement in your cognitive notions is a huge determining factor in the way you dress. I was in an on and off relationship with an amazing guy but was too blinded by my immature actions and eagerness to escape my hometown for college and took advantage of a guy that truly loved me. An action I will forever regret and of course I cope with it by writing. Discover me gals but tred lightly.


Shifting For Facts

Store policy is different for every location and store but this is the information set I secretly acquired as I shopped in the Niceville FL Forever 21 today. I summed up the information for any sales associates or curious fashion goers. In the event that a customer is left to fend for the last size and finds that it is latched on to a manican, how do YOU as a sales associate redress the bare-butt manican? Focus not on the obvious but the texture first. For example: the texture and silohette of the missing piece of clothing. A taken black skater-style skirt does not have to be replaced with another black skater skirt. Focus on the texture first like I previously stated. This will help narrow down any other skirt options available and again add that missing piece that store policy has set for sales associates to dress on each labeled manikin. Depending on the top half of the outfit, you can grab a knitted, cordorey, or even pleated black skirt. Secondly focus on the silhoette. The skirt prior was a skater-skirt style however this aspect of the outfit does have to be semi-similar because silhouette has a dramatic effect on the overall appearance of the outfit itself. For example in this scenario, the skirt was in an outward style but if it was replaced with a body-con black skirt, then it would take the look from “cute” to club or party-wear and that is not what the company was going for. Again these are all very important pieces of information that are completly checked over to any customer, shoppers think, “oh I want to work at a retail store so I can dress the manicans,” little do they know its a well oiled machine with higher power to do those jobs.

Stay informed and educated gals!



(Photo has no relevance other than an outfit I styled and wanted to show yall!)photo

Student Staple Pieces SSP

Every girl knows that she should have that ‘go to’ outfit or that one article of clothing that is always the first to pop up in her head on a hectic morning rush to class. We all know you shouldn’t be dressed to a nine for a 8 AM class but this list of SSP will guided you into a smoother morning process.

1. A statement colored AND a neutral colored plain tank (razor-back/spaghetti strap/1 inch shoulder). This is perfect to slip on with your choice of a cardigan for those drafty classrooms.

2. A firmly-fitted pair of black or neutral colored skinny jeans. I can not stress the FIRM part to these skinnys. A baggy pair of skinnys can really break an outfit so make sure you go down a size and wiggle your way in because it is definitely worth it! Skinny jeans are the perfect bottom half to any outfit no matter what time of the year. You can dress them up with a flowy satin top or in this case, dress them down with your tank or a cute thick-knit sweater for those colder months.

3. Statement loafers! Statement loafers definitely made a huge streak across the trend board all of last year. In the warmer months and the colder months they survived and survived eloquently. They add that extra bit of texture to your neutral-based outfits and drag in a lot of attention from all the other fashionistas striding through campus.

I hope my list comes in handy for all you gals. Stay cute and dress easy!


– A

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Well Qualified and Under Heard

I think it goes without saying that we all want our sales associates to be well qualified in fashion and styling but are nine times out of ten never provided with that. H&M however has always had a plethora of trendy and hip employees. Every location I’ve been to in my area (Washington, D.C. Area) has had employees that have been almost over qualified for the position. I can not express how highly I view H&M. Had to express my opinion on them today because I was so pleased.
Shop H&M gals!
Xoxo -A


“Everything happens for a reason.” A cliché statement that has the pleasure of rolling off everyone’s tongue at some point during the week or month. The slow but consistent stream of soft radio head peels through the loud air in my natural lit room. Picking up my favorite Céline T shirt, I slide it on delicately to avoid smearing my freshly done makeup. Of course my plan does not go accordingly and I demolish my face. Sliding my fuzzy socks (the undone part of my ‘ootd’) across the carpet to be pin-pointed in front of the mirror, I become increasingly mad. Taking a deep breath, I tell myself, “everything happens for a reason,” touch up my face and move on with my day. What if in the extra minute I used to fix my face, I trip in a city pothole and die. I saved myself. Reason.